Arpan Maji

Full Stack Developer

Experience - 4 years

Howrah, West Bengal


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Node JS






Github projects

Chuck Norris Joke Generator

Kanban App


Work Experience

Codelogicx Technologies Private Limited , Kolkata, West Bengal

March 2021 - Current

Job Title: Full Stack Developer

Project Description: Zoma is a cloud based SaaS to help IT service sales teams scope intelligently, bridging the gap between the project promise and the reality. Zoma’s AI platform brings science to the art of scoping - leveraging existing company knowledge, promoting collaboration, reducing the sales cycle, closing more deals, enhancing customer relationships and their reputations

  • Front-end: React.
  • Back-end: Node JS, PostgresSQL, MongoDb.

Project Description: Zalyon is a cloud based SaaS (Software as a service) product which helps the security agencies to solve their operational and employee hiring problem and keep track of their operations in real time.

  • Front-end: Vue.
  • Back-end:Node, MySQL.

Sibyl Infotech Pvt Ltd, Kolkata, West Bengal

August, 2020 - February, 2021

Job Role: Software Developer

Project Description: Toolings ERP is software for tracking the various work details like sales details, user details, and product details which helps the client to run his business smoothly. Accounts are also in the software which helps the client to generate some important details of his business.

  • Front-end: Angular 7.
  • Back-end: Node JS, MySQL.

WRC Technologies (P) Ltd, Kolkata, West Bengal

December, 2019 - June, 2020

Job Role: Junior Software Developer

Project Description: LegalKart : is India’s first practice management app for lawyers. It comes with a minimalistic yet intuitive interface that helps lawyers manage their cases across all courts and legal forums across India. LegalKart App enables you to manage your law office directly from your mobile like team management, case finance management, client management, and calendar. This App provides additional assistance to lawyers in sending case-related information and updates to their respective clients in real-time. LegalKart helps you simplify the complex case updating processes and ensure client satisfaction, without the hassle of e-mails & phone calls.

  • Front-end: Angular 7, Ionic 4.
  • Back-end: Node JS, PostgresSQL.


  • Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms using Python from NPTEL from January to March, 2017.
  • Step By Step APIs Development In Node JS With Sequelize ORM from Udemy from July to August, 2020.

  • Education

    B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
    July 2015 - June 2019

    Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions - Hooghly, West Bengal

    GPA: 74% / 8.15

    Higher Secondary(12th) in Science

    Belur High School - Belur, Howrah, West Bengal

    Percentage: 73.4%


    Uttarpara Model High School – Uttarpara, Hooghly, West Bengal

    Percentage: 86.14%



